Worship Ministries range from quiet background efforts to active participation. We believe that making opportunities available for the congregation to participate in worship is very important. Here are a few ways you might want to get involved:

Worship Assistant: Lay persons who vest and serve at the altar. They also may read a lesson, lead the prayers of the people, administer a chalice, or assist the clergy and acolytes as needed.

Acolyte: Young people in grades 3-12 who vest and serve with the clergy during the Eucharist or special services.

Eucharistic Ministers: Lay persons who administer the chalice during the Eucharist. 

Lectors: Lay persons who read a lesson during the Eucharist or special event.

Altar Guild: Parishioners who prepare the church for worship services, and also prepare vestments for use. 

Flower Guild: Parishioners who procure and arrange the Sunday altar flowers.

Greeters: Greeters stand near the door of the church and greet people as they come in. Most importantly, they recognize newcomers and welcome them and assist them with any needs or questions they may have before the service.

Ushers: Ushers welcome people into the worship space, distribute bulletins, collect the offering and take attendance. 

Children's Chapel Leader: Lead a separate worship experience in Daniels' Hall for children ages 3-8 who wish to attend. The children then join their families in the nave for Communion.

Choir: Music is an integral part of worship at St. Dunstan's, and our adult choir serves at the Sunday service. They also offer Evensong performances throughout the year that are attended by music lovers throughout our community